Welcome to Nathaniel Tkacz, visiting researcher at the Department of Digital Humanities

We are delighted to announce that Nathaniel Tkacz will be joining us as a visiting researcher at the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London. During his stay he will be focusing on writing his book about dashboard interfaces, including discussing and workshopping different chapters with colleagues in the department. More about his research interests can be found in his bio (below) and he can be found on Twitter at @__nate__. Welcome Nate!

Dr Nathaniel Tkacz is a Reader in Digital Media and Culture at The University of Warwick. His work investigates the political, cultural and methodological dimensions of digital media. This has led to studies of political openness in online communities, practices of ‘mass collaboration’, experimental economic platforms, software forking, trolling, apps, banking and payment services, interfaces, user experience design, digital public services, and environmental situation rooms, among other things. With Geert Lovink, he co-founded the Critical Point of View network for Wikipedia research as well as the MoneyLab research network, and he recently joined the App Studies Initiative. Tkacz is author or editor of a number of books, including Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness (University of Chicago Press, 2015). He is currently working on a book on dashboard interfaces.

INTERNSHIP | A project in King’s Digital Lab

By Natasha Romanova, MA in Digital Humanities 2019


Coming to the Master’s in Digital Humanities in 2017 as a mature student with some previous experience of working in academia, I was attracted by the reputation of Digital Humanities at King’s. I was particularly interested in King’s Digital Lab (KDL) and was hoping to find a project that I could contribute to.

When an opportunity presented itself to do some work on Distant Reading across Languages (DRaL) in the second year of my part-time degree, I enrolled on the Internships module in the autumn of 2018.

The project, funded by the Department of Digital Humanities (DDH), is a collaboration between DDH and KDL, and it gave me a chance to combine my interest in modern languages and translation with a focus on the productive interplay between close and distant reading.

Working closely with Principal Investigator Dr Salciute Civiliene (DDH) and the team at KDL which comprised an analyst (Dr Arianna Ciula), a software engineer (Geoffroy Noël) and a designer (Ginestra Ferraro), I could gain an insight into the workflows and processes of a state-of-the-art digital humanities laboratory and the lifecycle of a complex digital project.

In the course of my internship, I contributed to data cleaning, input of new data, testing of the web environment and features at various stages of development and writing project documentation. Last but not least, I participated in project meetings where requirements for every new stage of development were analyzed and established.

This experience gave me a chance to learn but also demanded a substantial amount of  personal responsibility for the future of the project – an ideal combination when it comes to internships, and a great addition to the taught courses of the MA.

Building on mine and other past ad hoc internship experiences (see e.g. https://www.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/blog/once-lab-person-always-lab-person/ and https://www.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/blog/using-archetype/), KDL is working with Dr Elisa Oreglia, DDH Internships coordinator, to offer internships opportunities to DDH students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels that will focus on website accessibility testing but will also provide an opportunity to learn more about project development at the Lab and contribute to skills development, talent pipeline and project tasks.

INTERNSHIP | My Social Media Internship

By Chalisa Chintrakarn, MA Digital Culture and Society http://linkedin.com/in/chalisa-chintrakarn-475911112

Learning outside lectures through an internship is such a great opportunity to explore oneself, to meet professionals in the field and to put knowledge and skills into practice.

I am Chalisa Chintrakarn (Jerry), a MA Digital Culture and Society student from Thailand. As part of the KCL Accredited Internships Program, I undertook an 8-week part-time social media internship in the first semester at ChapmanBlack, a recruitment consultancy based in London. Focusing on European and North American markets, the company recruits talents across various sectors, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics and automotive. The company’s vision is to provide fast and excellent services to clients; its aim is to retain its dynamic working environment and avid staff.

In relation to application process, I first sent my CV to ChapmanBlack via LinkedIn. The company later asked me to create a promotional photo and several videos for Instagram posting. After that, I had a phone interview and a trial at the headquarters. The trial was basically for testing social media skills, especially Instagram and LinkedIn, as well as interpersonal communication and computing skills.

In the course of internship, I liaised with the Chief of Staff, some other interns and professionals specialising in engineering and automotive. They come from different parts of the world: the UK, Germany, Sweden, Turkey and Vietnam; I could therefore immerse myself into culturally mixed environment and simultaneously developed my cross-cultural communication and shared Thai culture to them. All colleagues were welcoming and willing to assist one another no matter what issue emerged.

My internship projects were closely connected with my MA education. For example, I took up the Instagram and LinkedIn projects. What I did was creating photos and short videos for promoting the company and its events in Germany, using hashtags to find a large number of individuals who expressed their interest in the recruitment industry, as well as drawing the company’s attention to those people by sending messages regarding job openings. These were tied into the so-called attention economy, platform capitalism and the optimisation of hashtags that I had learned in depth from Introduction to Digital Culture and Society module and Mobility, Culture and Digital Media module.

Undertaking a social media internship is not reducible to social media works. I conducted several projects outside social media, particularly a project of posting job advertisements of engineering sectors. I worked alongside the Engineering Practice Manager and another intern, and the manager gave me his insight into AI including self-driving cars that I had studied in Introduction to Digital Culture and Society module. In essence, while employing and expanding my photography/video-making and interpersonal skills throughout the internship, I could apply and reflect with a wealth of knowledge attained from my MA studies, which consequently heightened my confidence to engage with digital technologies and to discuss them with classmates in the second semester.

This professional opportunity has transitioned my future path towards academic career focusing on gender and sexuality, while it motivated me to academically research social media. In fact, the reason why I chose to carry out the internship is that I had not been completely sure which direction I actually wanted to go, either the social media industry or the academia. That is, I had intended to work at an international social media company owing to my regular engagement with Instagram and LinkedIn. At the same time, I have been keenly interested in conducting academic research centred upon gender and sexuality in Asia since my Bachelors education in Japan. I heavily engaged in social media during the internship and was concurrently in touch with academic staff in the KCL Digital Humanities department who research female sexuality. Ever since, I have become even far more passionate about both gender studies and social media. For this reason, I decided to write the MA dissertation on the phenomenon of a Southeast Asian feminist campaign on Instagram. This dissertation is to pave the way to become an academic contributing to gender and social media scholarships. Altogether, this hands-on experience directed me to a suitable future trajectory.

On the whole, taking part in the KCL Accredited Internships Program has been such a fruitful experience that hugely complemented my MA studies and allowed me to explore myself further. Being proactive in both finding internships and working with colleagues is the most important. Instead of taking all lecture-based modules, it would be highly beneficial to take the internship module so as to boost a variety of transferable skills and knowledge useful in the digital culture sector. This way you would also be able to come to grasp more about what you really aspire to do in the future. Seize this worthwhile opportunity that can make changes to your life!

[Caption for image] me, the Chief of Staff and other interns: we all strive to grow!’.

CAREER | Come work with us!

We are recruiting early career researchers for lecturer positions (education), full-time, 12 months to contribute to teaching across our degrees including the MA Digital Culture and Society, MA Digital Asset and Media Management and the MA Big Data in Culture and Society as well as to our BA Digital Culture. The post starts in September, and is comparable to a teaching fellow position.

King’s is one of the few places in the world where students at all levels can pursue a wide range of inter-disciplinary study of the digital – more about us here: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/ddh/about/about.

We are seeking to recruit candidates who can enthuse and inspire our students and contribute to the life of the Department through academic leadership and engagement.

We are hiring for

  • Lecturer in Digital Media & Communication Education – job ad here.
  • Lecturer in Digital Media & Culture Education – job ad here.
  • Lecturer in Big Data Methodologies & Technologies Education – job ad here.

You can also access the posts via the KCL’s job opportunities website / ‘External Vacancies’/Digital Humanities.

Closing date: 18 August 2019

CLUB | Cardboard and Code


Physical computing is a creative framework for understanding our relation with the digital world. In practical terms, this mostly means re-discovering objects and practices that we take for granted by making things, usually some form of electronic bricolage of cardboard and code.

Learning through making…

With the support of Prof Graeme Earl, I organised our department’s first ever physical computing club, which ran for 5x3hr sessions between December 2019 and March 2019. The sessions were open to all, and were organised as semi-structured informal gatherings loosely based on the Raspberry Pi curriculum.

Computing enthusiasts!

The objective of the club was to learn how to fast-prototype an interactive connected object. And to do this, we learned:

  • What is and how to setup a Raspberry Pi
  • How to control the Pi using Python
  • How to connect basic circuitry using a breadboard
  • How put this together into an object using cardboard and tape
  • How to connect our object to twitter

More than a coding club, our approach was to get students interested in programming by showing them how it underpins our relation with objects and spaces of the physical world. There was programming involved, but the main goal was to learn by making, and to show in this way the the relation between intangible code and embodied experience.

This is what we made:

[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-microchip”] The initial step was to learn to control the GPIO pins of the Pi. A special thanks to Alex Hadwen-Bennett for supplying us with his excellent design of a card-board circuit controller.

Raspberry Pi

[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-film”] Once we knew how to make the Pi communicate with the world, we used a cardboard box enclosure and learned how to program its camera to make time-lapse videos like the one at the top of this post.

Basic carboard enclosure


Making a time-lapse video


[icon color=”Accent-Color” size=”small” icon_size=”” image=”fa-twitter”] Finally, we moved our circuitry to a breadboard, and put everything together to create the prototype for a tweetcam:

Tweetcam setup

The tweetcam box has a camera, a buzzer, a LED, and a button. When it’s on and the button is pressed, there is a beep and the LED lights up, a picture is taken and immediately tweeted to the test account Y0g_50th0th.


Click this image for demo video!

This box does nothing that a modern smartphone cannot do. But in creating it ourselves, we are confronted with questions of design and interaction: why do we expect the sound feedback of the buzzer to assume the picture was indeed taken? What if the button was programmed to only tweet one out of every five times it is pressed? Or randomly? how could show this using the LED? And how these different types of interaction affect our idea of privacy?

It works!

Changing only a few lines in our programme we can quickly iterate over these options and test how people react to our tweetcam. And we also learn some coding along the way.

The club itself was a prototype of sorts, we wanted to explore the ideas of learning by making and of teaching design & programming simultaneously. On a more academic note, we also wanted to advance the idea of what Philip Agre called a critical technical practice as a mode of research in our department. This is where you come in, we want to know:

  • Are these ideas relevant or useful to your research? can one of the concepts or arguments you work with be expressed as an electronic bricolage of cardboard and code?
  • Is our tweetcam useful as a demonstration for any of the modules you teach?
  • Can you or your students think of betters uses for the Raspberry Pi?
Until next year!

If you have any thoughts about this let me or Graeme know. And in the meantime, if you want to see the tweetcam in action email me or come to S3.39

Thanks to the Department of Digital Humanities for sponsoring the gear for the club (it is of course available for anyone else to use), to the Arts & Humanities Research Institute for letting us inaugurate their new project space (and to Laura Douglas for helping us book the space), and of course, to the students who participated in the club I hope I see you again next year!

EVENT | ‘Indisciplinary’ Approaches to Digital Play


The symposium will explore what is means to undertake interdisciplinary or ‘indisciplinary’ research into digital play. More than this, it aims to showcase the range of research into digital play already underway at King’s and foster cross-departmental collaboration by bringing together staff and PhD students from departments such as the Digital Humanities, English, Culture, Media & Creative Industries, War Studies and Psychology. It will also build connections with two other institutions that have strong international reputations in the area of game studies, the IT University of Copenhagen and Abertay University. There will also be an international mix of participants.

We will adopt an experimental methodology, departing from the standard conference format of presented papers. The symposium will be structured around a series of ‘provocations’ steered by a list of selected participants (many from King’s, ITU, and Abertay), which will be tailored to elicit debate and catalyse collaborations. The provocations will consist of a few contentious claims that summarise the debate in an area of enquiry relevant to digital play, and which may be responded to from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. The participants in each ‘provocation’ will give very short position pieces of up to five minutes in response to the provocation, with the rest of the time being used in discussion with other selected participants and with attendees. Through this format, we aim to encourage focused explorations into areas of interest that reveal fundamental commonalities and differences between the various approaches of the selected participants and the attendees.

The symposium will feature two keynote speakers. Espen Aarseth is the Head of Research at the Center for Computer Games Research at the IT University of Copenhagen. He is also director for the Games Program there, and has visited the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s in 2018 to understand potential for collaborations. The second keynote, William Huber, is President of the Digital Games Research Association (2016-present), and Head of the Centre for Excellence in Game Education at Abertay University.



9:15-9:45 Registration

9:45-10:00 Welcome

10:00-10:45 Keynote 1: William Huber: title tbc

11:00-12:00 Contemporary forms and rhetorics of play following digitisation

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:00 Habit and practice in digital play

14:00-14:30 Break 1

14:30-15:30 Gameplay and life writing/biography

15:30-16:00 Break 2

16:00-17:00 Ecologies of play and computer games

17:00-17:45 Keynote 2: Espen Aarseth: Post-game studies – towards a philology of the ephemeral

17:45-18:00 Closing statements


The organising committee consists of: Feng Zhu (Digital Humanities), Rob Gallagher (English), Conor McKeown (Digital Humanities), Stephanie Janes (Culture, Media & Creative Industries), Mercedes Bunz (Digital Humanities), and Jonathan Gray (Digital Humanities).

If you would like to register your attendance, please contact Feng Zhu (feng.zhu@kcl.ac.uk) or Rob Gallagher (robert.gallagher@kcl.ac.uk). Please note that there are only an extremely limited number of places remaining.

This symposium is funded by both the King’s Arts and Humanities Conference Support Fund and the Department of Digital Humanities Impact Fund.

Image: Conor McKeown



Date and time

Fri, 21 June 2019
9:45 – 18:00 BST


King’s College London
Edmund Safra Lecture Theatre
London WC2R 2LS


Project | Distant Reading across Languages (DRaL)

Supported by the Department of Digital Humanities (DDH) at King’s College London, Distant Reading across Languages (DRaL) is a collaborative project between DDH and KDL with a interdisciplinary team, including experts from research software engineering, UI/UX design, computational linguistics, and literary studies. The objective of the project is to experiment with the methods of distant reading and Digital Humanities approaches to explore translatorial responses to formal word repetitions.

King’s lead researcher: Dr Gabriele Salciute Civiliene

Associated organization: King’s Digital Lab (KDL)

The project has evolved from the PhD thesis of project’s PI Gabriele Salciute Civiliene centred on the critical interrogation of reductive epistemologies and practices of translation theories dependent on text quantification and computation. The project vision challenges the widely accepted view that translators, taught and thought to be avoiding repetition out of aesthetic boredom, routinely implement this principle in their practice. Underpinning the project is the important premise that human decisions are more complex and fuzzier than that, grounded as they are in the real and imaginary topographies of our encounters with texts. In reality, a translator’s choices are forged at the confluence of multiple factors from within and outside the text, such as word frequencies, content, and distance between repetitions, as well as contextual pressures and personal anxieties. DRaL aims to demonstrate this complexity via data modelling, computational processing and visualization.

The project works towards an exploratory model for collecting, processing, and visualising data from across languages. It explores practices of cross-linguistic textual processing that supports distant, deep, and close reading. DRaL set out with three translations of William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury (1929) into Lithuanian, Russian, and Polish, all produced under challenging ideological circumstances, to discover the imprints of Soviet censorship, social commentary, cultural asymmetries, genetic interdependencies among translations, and the like. More data from alternative translations and other languages such as French and Spanish will be gradually added. Our long-term goals are to expand the current database by including more languages and to automate more extensively the workflow from collecting to analyzing data. The approach is to align Faulkner’s repetitions as strings of non-contiguous items with the corresponding choices that translators made to pull out data on how repetitions were omitted or replaced with lexical variation. Our exploratory visualization is focused on representing this data as spatio-temporal patterns of human response.

EVENT | Monopolies of Intelligence: Questioning the Political Economy of AI 29.05.19



A panel discussion with Mercedes Bunz, Nick Srnicek, and Leif Weatherby in collaboration with the Digital Theory Lab, New York University (NYU).

Artificial Intelligence systems are being applied to many areas of human life. While AI is heavily debated – hyped as our future saviour, pilloried for their biases – the political economy of AI is rarely discussed. Together with the Digital Theory Lab (NYU), the Department of Digital Humanities (KCL) warmly invites all interested guests to this panel discussion, which will be framed by short position papers. We are also proud to announce that Professor McCarty (Emeritus Professor of Humanities Computing, KCL) will be a guest of honour at the reception following the event. Please join us.

In the Clouds – Nick Srnicek (Digital Humanities, KCL)

We live in an age dominated by tech giants. Yet for all the attention paid to them, discussions of artificial intelligence have focused on ethical issues around bias and political issues around surveillance. The properly political economic questions have been left aside, or reduced to a simple ‘robots taking our jobs’ narrative. This talk will aim to uncover the political economy of artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on how the technological conditions of AI either facilitate or delineate possibilities for the greater concentration of capital and power.

Data as Capital – Leif Weatherby (German, NYU and KCL’s Willard McCarty Fellow)

A recent report from MIT announces the arrival of a new metaphysical player in the game of business: data capital. This form of wealth represents a shift in the relationship between capital and society. Data capital has now driven the market capitalization of the largest platform companies above the “unicorn” value of 1 trillion USD, creating something like intelligent monopolies. But capital as data has to be interpreted to be useful, an operation most often carried out by algorithms called “neural nets.” The data is exascale, beyond any human imagination – yet parsed, categorized, interpreted. I propose to call this activity at the heart of modern enterprise “artificial semiotics” in order to analyse how data has altered the structure of capital in the present.

On Distributed Intelligence – Mercedes Bunz (Digital Humanities, KCL)

Recent advances of AI have resulted in a fundamental shift in programming. However, the conditions of algorithmic production as well as the interfaces to use those programs and new capabilities have largely stayed the same. AI applications are currently mostly black box systems in which systems trained on data are making decisions for users and not with users. By analysing examples of image recognition regarding medical images, this talk will show that this constellation is dangerous and difficult. Automated decision-making in the medical sector transfers medical knowledge and agency from our medical institutions to technology companies without the necessary checks and balances. At the same time, machine learning has great potential to assist with medical decision making. In her talk, Mercedes will discuss two aspects of machine learning –data sets and interfaces – as entry points that could be used to make machine intelligence more accessible, collaborative, and distributed – against monopolies of intelligence.


Mercedes Bunz is Senior Lecturer in Digital Society at the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London. Her research explores how digital technology transforms knowledge and with it power; a question she explores currently specifically regarding medical knowledge with a Wellcome Trust Seed grant. Recent publications: The Internet of Things (Polity 2017) co-published with Professor Graham Meikle, and the small Open Access publication Communication with Finn Brunton (University of Minnesota Press 2019), on how contemporary communication puts us humans not only in conversation with one another but also with our machinery.

Nick Srnicek is Lecturer in Digital Economy at King’s College London. He is the author of Platform Capitalism (Polity, 2016) and Inventing the Future (Verso, 2015 with Alex Williams). With Helen Hester, he is currently writing After Work (Verso, 2020).

Leif Weatherby is Associate Professor of German at NYU, co-founder of the Digital Theory Lab, and Willard McCarty fellow of the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London. His research focuses on philosophies of technology – especially the digital – Romanticism and Idealism, and political economy. His book, Transplanting the Metaphysical Organ: German Romanticism between Leibniz and Marx, tracks an early techno-philosophy in the doctrine he calls “Romantic organology.” His ongoing work on the relationship between cybernetics and German Idealism has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Alexander von Humboldt association. His writing has appeared in venues like SubStance, Grey Room, and the Los Angeles Review of Books.

[Image: Tatiana Plakhova]




Date and time

Thu, 29 May 2019
16:30 – 18:00 BST


King’s College London
Strand – Bush House South Wing
Room: BH(S)4.04
London WC2R 1ES


[button open_new_tab=”true” color=”accent-color” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”medium” url=”https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/monopolies-of-intelligence-questioning-the-political-economy-of-ai-tickets-60069347034″ text=”Register” color_override=””] [/one_fourth_last]

EVENT | How Language Became Data: Speech Recognition and Computational Knowledge 22.05.19


How did automatic speech recognition lay the ground for contemporary computational knowledge practices Join us for a public talk with Xiaochang Li (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin).  
How Language Became Data: Speech Recognition and Computational Knowledge – Xiaochang Li (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin)  
Beginning in the 1970s, a team of researchers at IBM began to reorient the field of automatic speech recognition from the scientific study of human perception and language towards a startling new mandate: to find “the natural way for the machine to do it.” In what is recognizable today as a data-driven, “black box” approach to language processing, IBM’s Continuous Speech Recognition group set out to meticulously uncouple computational modelling from the demands of explanation and interpretability. Automatic speech recognition was refashioned as a problem of large-scale data acquisition, storage, and classification, one that was distinct from—if not antithetical to—human perception, expertise, and understanding. These efforts were pivotal in bringing language under the purview of data processing, and in doing so helped draw a narrow form of data-driven computational modelling across diverse domains and into the sphere of everyday life, spurring the development of algorithmic techniques that now appear in applications for everything from machine translation to protein sequencing. The history of automatic speech recognition invites a glimpse into how making language into data made data into an imperative, and thus shaped the conceptual and technical groundwork for what is now one of our most wide-reaching modes of computational knowledge.  
Bio: Xiaochang Li is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Epistemes of Modern Acoustics research group at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. This coming fall, she will be joining the faculty at Stanford University as Assistant Professor in the department of Communication. Her current book project examines the history of predictive text and how the problem of making language computationally tractable was laid into the foundations of data- driven computational culture. It traces developments in automatic speech recognition and natural language processing through the twentieth century, highlighting their influence on the cultural, technical, and institutional practices that gave rise to so-called “big data” and machine learning as privileged and pervasive forms of knowledge work.  
This event is part of an ongoing seminar series on “critical inquiry with and about the digital” hosted by the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London. If you tweet about the event you can use the #kingsdhhashtag or mention @kingsdh. If you’d like to get notifications of future events you can sign up to this mailing list.



Date and time

Wed, 22 May 2019
16:30 – 18:00 BST


BH(S)4.04, Bush House Lecture Theatre 2
Bush House, South Wing, King’s College London
30 Aldwych


[button open_new_tab=”true” color=”accent-color” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”medium” url=”https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-language-became-data-speech-recognition-and-computational-knowledge-tickets-55157807487″ text=”Register” color_override=””] [/one_fourth_last]

EVENT | Simondon and the Concept of Information: A One Day Interdisciplinary Symposium 13.05.19


This event explores the concept of information in the work of the post-war French philosopher Gilbert Simondon (1924-1989). Today, Simondon is best remembered for his holistic account of technological objects and their perceptual-cognitive role in the evolution of human beings and social systems. However, his project also aimed at providing a unified foundation for the human sciences – one that would be compatible with, but not reducible to, the natural sciences. To achieve this, he developed an ontological perspective foregrounding notions of information and individuation adapted from the then-emerging fields of cybernetics and information theory, as well as psychology, biology, and quantum physics, while also building on more traditional philosophical approaches such as phenomenology. The symposium will examine these intellectual sources and contexts, and discuss the wider legacy of Simondon’s concept of information for contemporary thinking across the humanities.
The event is sponsored by the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, the Department of French, and the Centre for Digital Culture at King’s College London.
For more information or if you would like to attend, please contact: giovanni.menegalle@kcl.ac.uk  



10:00-10:30 – WELCOME

10:30-12:30 – SESSION 1 (Chair: Mercedes Bunz, KCL, Digital Humanities)

Andrea Bardin, Oxford Brookes, Social Sciences, ‘Simondon on Macy: Cybernetics, Metastability and the ‘Quality’ of Information’

Pablo Rodriguez, Buenos Aires, Social Sciences /CONICET, ‘Information Theory and Living Individuation: Simondon’s Take on Molecular Biology’

Mark Coté, KCL, Digital Humanities, ‘Seeing Possible States? Does Simondon’s Critique of Information Theory Apply to Reinforcement Learning?’

12:30-13:30 – LUNCH  

13:30-15:30 – SESSION 2 (Chair: Patrick ffrench, KCL, French)

Cecile Malaspina, CNRS Lab SPHERE / Paris 7, ‘Pure Information’

Ashley Woodward, Dundee, Philosophy, ‘Information and Signification’

Giovanni Menegalle, KCL, French, ‘Information or Sense? Simondon in the Shadow of French Philosophy’

Gus Hewlett, Kingston, CRMEP, ‘Physical Information in L’Individuation: If not Singularity, then What?’

15:30-16:00 – BREAK

16:00-18:00 – SESSION 3 (Chair: Cecile Malaspina, CNRS Lab SPHERE / Paris 7)

Simon Mills, De Montfort, Media, ‘Information, Mediation, Causality’

Madeleine Chalmers, Oxford, French, ‘Chance Encounter: When Simondon’s Information Meets the Surrealist Object’

Ludovic Duhem, ESAD, Philosophy, ‘After Language: Image as Information in the New Reticulation of the World’



Date and time

Mon, 13 May 2019
10:00 – 18:00 BST


King’s College London
River Room
Strand Campus
