New Article: 📝✹ “The Pandemic Crowd: Protest in the Time of COVID-19” in Journal of International Affairs

Dr Paolo Gerbaudo, Reader in Digital Culture and Society at the Department of Digital Humanities and Director of the Centre for Digital Culture, has just published an article on “The Pandemic Crowd: Protest in the Time of COVID-19” in Journal of International Affairs. The abstract is copied below. From collective flash-mobs such as “clap for …

Metro covers Rachael Kent’s research on lockdown work practices

Research by DDH Lecturer Dr Rachael Kent has been featured in a Metro article on lockdown working practices. You can read the full article here. This follows on from another Metro piece last month and draws on research which has been written up in an article in Social Media & Society. Dr Rachael Kent is …

Data Stories Symposium, 26-27th November 2020

The Department of Digital Humanities is pleased to be involved in co-organising the DataStories Symposium 2020 which will explore how people engage with data to create stories. Data is represented in different ways to allow us to understand and make use of it: in numbers, in text, in visualisations, in interactive stories and other forms. …

Department of Digital Humanities contributes to world-leading research on data/AI as part of new UKRI National Research Centre on Privacy, Harm Reduction and Adversarial Influence Online

The Department of Digital Humanities is bringing its world-leading research on the social and political dimensions of data and AI to a newly established national Research Centre on Privacy, Harm Reduction and Adversarial Influence Online (REPHRAIN). The centre brings together more than 50 leading academics with industry, non-profit, government, law, regulation and international research centre …

Two lectureships to support teaching in the field of Digital Economy at DDH

The Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London is looking for two permanent Lecturers (Academic Education Pathway) to support our online and on-campus teaching on our fast growing MA programmes. The openings are for a Lecturer in Digital Entrepreneurship and Marketing Education and a Lecturer in Digital Economy and Society Education to support our successful …

Podcast Live on New Research Project – COVID-19’s Effect on Digital Interaction & Health Management

Dr Rachael Kent, Teaching Fellow in Digital Media and Culture of Department of Digital Humanities has launched a timely empirical research project exploring how people are using digital technology during COVID-19 lockdown and isolation. In particular, how it is shifting social interactions and health practices in everyday life. Rachael was recently a guest on The …

New Article: “‘We only have 12 years’: YouTube and the IPCC report on global warming of 1.5ÂșC” in First Monday

Liliana Bounegru, Lecturer in Digital Methods in the Department of Digital Humanities has just published a new article titled “’We only have 12 years: YouTube and the IPCC report on global warming of 1.5ÂșC” in First Monday co-authored with Kari De Pryck (University of Geneva / University of Cambridge), Tommaso Venturini (CNRS) and Michele Mauri …

Project | Creative AI: Neural Networks at the Gallery

Contemporary art institutions, much like cultural heritage museums around the world, face a process of deep transformation through digitalisation, except that for contemporary art institutions such a process ventures into the material foundations of the artworks themselves: digital technology has become a creative medium for artists, while most recently, Artificial Intelligence, especially machine learning (ML), …

Global youth cultures and digital nomads: a podcast discussion

Recently, I took part in an Economist Intelligence Unit podcast on ‘global digital cultures’ with Kathy Sheehan, SVP of Cassandra market research, and Ravi Govada, head of global market research at hospitality start-up Selina. We discussed how trends are shaped and shared in the digital age, and the possibility that a shared transnational youth culture …

Free workshop: “€uro-Vision: Monstrification between Extraction and Border”

Dr Btihaj Ajana, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Digital Humanities, is involved in an upcoming workshop on “”€uro-Vision: Monstrification between Extraction and Border”. The workshop is free and open to all, supported by Arts Catalyst, a nonprofit contemporary arts organisation that commissions and produces trans-disciplinary art and research. Their goal is to “activate new …