Humanities Laboratories: Critical Infrastructure and Knowledge Experiments | 23rd May 2019
Dr Urszula Pawlicka-Deger
A Laboratory as Critical Infrastructure in the Humanities
Dr James Smithies
The Epistemology of the Machine: Natural Philosophy, Digital Laboratories, and Cultural Heritage
Lecture Capture
Prof Willard McCarty
Towards an Anthropology of the Artificially Intelligent | 29th May 2019
2018. McCarty, Towards an anthropology. Monopolies of AI
Language & Space in Public Imagination | 11th June 2019
Prof Willard McCarty
Computing|Humanities: What’s the relationship?
2019. McCarty, Slides for Fellowship event, 11 June
Dr Stuart Dunn
Territoriality in Cyberspace: Dealing with Contested Geographies in the Age of Google Maps
Assoc Prof Antonina Puchkovskaia
Visualizing St Petersburg Based on Russian Language Corpus
Visualizing St Petersburg_Puchkovskaia
Dr Gabriele Salciute Civiliene
Thinking & Modelling Spatio-Temporality across Languages
SpatioTemporality across Languages_GSC