EVENT | ‘Indisciplinary’ Approaches to Digital Play

[three_fourths] The symposium will explore what is means to undertake interdisciplinary or ‘indisciplinary’ research into digital play. More than this, it aims to showcase the range of research into digital play already underway at King’s and foster cross-departmental collaboration by bringing together staff and PhD students from departments such as the Digital Humanities, English, Culture, …

EVENT | The Field Notes Plugin: Making Network Visualization in Gephi Accountable

[three_fourths] Description Public talk by Karin van Es, Daniela van Geenen and Maranke Wieringa (Utrecht Data School, Utrecht University). Hosted by Jonathan Gray, Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London. The hashtag for this event is #kingsdh. The network visualizations humanities scholars and social scientists employ to communicate research findings are often imbrued with a …