New article: “Journalism aggregators: an analysis of”

An article on “Journalism aggregators: an analysis of” co-authored by Marco Braghieri, Tobias Blanke and Jonathan Gray has just been published in Journalism Research. The article is open access and available in both English and German. Here’s the abstract: What is the role and significance of digital long-form content aggregators in contemporary journalism? This …

New Book: ’Yesterday’s News: The Future of Long-form Journalism and Archives’

A new book by Marco Braghieri entitled ‘Yesterday’s News – The future of long-form journalism and archives’ has been published by Peter Lang. The book focuses on two entities (long-form journalism and archives) which sit at the intersection between journalistic production and the digital. While framed within digital humanities, this book deploys a number of …

New edition of Data Journalism Handbook now open access with Amsterdam University Press

This blog is cross-posted from which also includes additional images and media. These can also be viewed in this thread. Today The Data Journalism Handbook: Towards a Critical Data Practice (co-edited with Jonathan Gray) is published on Amsterdam University Press. It is published as part of a new book series on Digital Studies which is also being …