DDH Seminar Series – Spring 2025

This is the schedule for our Digital Humanities Department Seminar Series, Spring 2025. All Seminars are at 5pm in the Safta Lecture Theatre on Wednesdays. Usually the events are followed by a drinks reception.

Links to the details and registration pages will be updated on this page throughout the year. Please contact Alfie with questions if you need more information further in advance about a session.

22nd January
Guest: Rachel Clarke (LCC)
Title: Drinking Camomile in Palestine: Dischronotopic Land-based Ecologies
Host: Güneş Tavmen
Click here for full event details and registration page.

29th January
Guest: Carolina Bandinelli (The University of Warwick, Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies)
Love after Love: postromantic cultures in digital societies
Host: Alfie Bown

Click here for full details and registration page.

5th February
Guest: Dr Jendrzej Niklas
Title: Data Ecopolitics
Host: Jelena Dzakula

12th February
Guest: Leon Brenner
Title: Don’t Test my Reality: Reality Testing and the Adaptation to Artificial Reality
Host: Alfie Bown

26th Feb
GDC series

5th March
GDC series

12th March
Guest: Katherine Everitt
Title: Digitized Spirit: Hegel in Cyberspace
Host: Alfie Bown

19th March
GDC series

26th March
Guest: Niall Docherty
Title: Social media, and discourses of wellbeing and ‘healthy users’
Host: David Young

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