Latest activity from the ERC SAMCOM Project

Greetings readers. On behalf of the ERC SAMCOM project (grant no. 947867), I’d like to take the opportunity to share some of the work we have been doing over the past year. We are a team of anthropologists in the Department of Digital Humanities at KCL, who are currently investigating the moral complexities of digital monitoring across four ethnographic contexts in Europe.

We recently published an entry on ‘Surveillance’ for the Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology. The entry is intended as an assemblage of the anthropological scholarship on surveillance, as well as a reflection on what an ‘anthropology of surveillance’ may consist of. It is open access and we hope it may provide a useful starting point for students and scholars alike .

Mikkel Kenni Bruun and Claire Dungey, together with Rose Powell at Newcastle University, have recently recorded a conversation on ‘Surveillance and Care’ for our podcast series on Spotify. You can listen to the podcast, as well as previous episodes, here:

Matan Shapiro’s edited collection arising from a KCL workshop earlier this year, Crypto Crowds: Singularities and Multiplicities on the Blockchain, is now forthcoming with Berghahn Press.

Wishing everyone a great holiday season,

Vita, Kenni, Claire, and Matan

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