Organisers: Andrea Ballatore (KCL), Jamie Larkin (Chapman Uni.), with the support of Zhi Ye (Nina) (KCL)
Registration for participants: if you want to attend, please register at this <form>.
⏱️ When: Thursday 18 May 2023, 10:00 am – 5:30 pm (UK time)
📍 Where (hybrid): King’s College London, Bush House, (S) 1.01 (lecture theatre 1). For registration, please go to the North Entrance (see this map and this photo of the entrance). The link for online participation will be circulated by email before the event.
9:30 – 10:00 • Coffee/registration
10:00 – 10.15 • Introduction by organizers
10:15 – 11:30 • Paper session 1: Data Analytics for Museum Management
11.30 – 11.45 • Coffee break
11:45 – 13:00 • Paper session 2: New Media Ecologies
13.00 – 14.00 • Lunch break
14.00 – 15.15 • Paper session 3: Museum Data Practices
15.15 – 15.30 • Coffee break
15:30 – 16:45 • Paper session 4: Museum Data Infrastructures
16.45 – 17.00 • Comfort break
17.00 – 17:30 • Discussion and activity
17:30 – 17:40 • Closing remarks
17.40 – 18:00 Networking opportunity
Paper session 1: Data Analytics for Museum Management
- Chair: Dr Mark Liebenrood
- ‘How Italian museums are facing the digital challenge’
Mauro De Bari (University of Bari, Italy) - ‘Challenges and opportunities for data based museums’
Pille Runnel, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeld & Agnes Aljas (Estonia National Museum, Estonia, & Malmö University, Sweden) - ‘What a Wonderful World: designing a media ecosystem at MAXXI museum in Rome’
Carmen Guarino, Stefano Capezzuto & Daniele Bucci (University of Palermo, Italy & Ecosistemica)
Paper session 2: New Media Ecologies
- Chair: Dr Chiara Zuanni
- ‘Sensory Experience as Interaction Data in Exhibition Spaces’
Izabel Derda (Erasmus University, The Netherlands) - ‘Worlding ontologies. Towards more ethical museum databases’
Mariel Hidalgo-Urbaneja, Athanasios Velios & Paul Goodwin (University of the Arts London, UK) - ‘Virtual Acoustic Objects in Museum Environments: Bridging the Inaccessibility of Interactive Cultural Objects’
Dominik Ukolov (Leipzig University, Germany) - ‘Samplebar Kenya and Beyond: On Interactive Ways to Digitise Traditional Music’
Kahithe Kiiru & Hakan Libdo (Bombas of Kenya & Libido Music AB)
Paper session 3: Museum Data Practices
- Chair: Dr Serena Iervolino
- ‘Counting the small majority: correcting sampling bias in online museum studies’
Ellen Charlesworth (Durham University, UK) - ‘Biases in data: the case of online museum catalogues’
Anna-Maria Sichani (School of Advanced Study, University of London, UK) - ‘Enriching Exhibition Scholarship’
Clare Llewellyn (University of Edinburgh, UK) - ‘Unlocking Collection Histories: Provenance Data and Agency’
Fabio Mariani (Lynn Rother & Max Koss, Leuphana University, Germany)
Paper session 4: Museum Data Infrastructures
- Chair: Prof Alex Poulovassilis
- ‘Humanities Research, Museums, and Linked Data’
Toby Burrows, Deb Verhoeven & Mike Jones (University of Western Australia, University of Alberta, Canada, & Australia National University) - “Sloane Lab: Domain Vocabularies for Semantic Interoperability of Museum Collections” Andreas Vlachidis & Daniele Metilli (UCL, UK)
- ‘Generative AI and the Museum: Working with Collections as Training Data’
Joel McKim & Alessandro Provetti (Birkbeck, University of London, UK) - ‘Unlocking the connective potential of Oral History through Natural Language Processing’ Stefano De Sabbata, Stefania Zardini Lacedelli, Alex Butterworth, Colin Hyde, Sally Horrocks, Neslihan Suzen, (University of Leicester, UK & Science Museum Group)
🍻 Conference pub (from 6 PM): Museum Tavern, 49 Great Russell St, London WC1B 3BA
🍽️ Conference dinner (self-funded): please contact organisers for information
Other information: Call for abstracts: New Directions in Museum Analytics
For inquiries, please contact us at andrea.ballatore [at] kcl.ac.uk ✉️